Sunday, February 22, 2015

Travel Healthy

This has been a big challenge for me while on my fitness journey.  It is very easy to loose sight of your goals when you are away from home and your routine. My best advice is to have a plan and stick to it:

1. Make a meal plan that includes your travel days and days that you will be at your destination.

  • I like to plan ahead where we may be eating out and know what I will order and the nutritional content. (stay away from anything that is saute, smothered, butter poached, any type of sauce)
  • Look for steamed, grilled, broiled, and always add double steamed veggies instead of potatoes.

2. Take healthy clean snacks that will keep you full and less tempted to go in and grab an unhealthy option when you stop to refuel your car.  These are some of the healthy options I take with me when I travel.

  • Almonds
  • Apples
  • Hard Boiled Eggs
  • My own salad dressing (to add to a restaurant salad)
  • Shakeology and blender
  • A variety of fresh veggies (nice to clean out the fridge too)

3. Don't forget your work out shoes and clothes. It is easier to get your workouts in if you have the proper clothing and equipment. Most hotels have a workout have a gym but I like to take my own things and do my workouts in the room. I always have the kids with me for one and I don't like people watching me workout. I know a little weird.

4. Water, Water, Water - remember 1/2 your body weight in oz.

5. Sneak in some activity site seeing or using the hotel stairs instead of elevator.

6. It's ok to have a cheat meal but don't over do it.

7. Relax and enjoy yourself and don't stress it

8. Limit alcohol.

9. So you fall off the "wagon" don't sweat it, add an extra exercise, additional water, and tighten up your meals and start over.

10. Remember to  HAVE A HEALTHY DAY!